About LaunchLead Ltd
A family run business that started during the pandemic, LaunchLead Ltd is a UK based company selling our patented dog leads around the world. Our design allows for the ball to be thrown up to 50 meters while reducing the stress on your shoulders.
A new family member
During the pandemic, the loss of a beloved grandfather meant that we welcomed a new member into our small family. Luna, a two year old Docker Spaniel,
Luna settled in
Finding our way together, Luna was clearly and engetic dog. Like most dogs she loved chasing a ball and fetch soon became the most played game in our house.
An injury
Unfortunatly I suffered a shoulder injury a few months after Luna arrive. The pain was at its worst when raising my hands above shoulder height. This made it very painfull to use a traditional ball thrower. So I started experimenting with other ideas.
The prototypes
There were many prototypes. I used off the shelf leads at first. I'd cut different length cradles (thats the part where the tennis ball sits before it is throw) in them to see which worked best with a tennisball. I also experimented with different length leads. Some were glued, some were taped and some were even melted together. Eventualy I had engouh details to approach manfacturers and get samples produced. The best part being that Luna was happy to help me test each iteration.